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Zaslal: nou
Popis: Trieda na načítanie a vykreslenie 3D modelu vo formáte MS3D
Jazyk: C++
Vloženo: 12.9.2007, 14:54
Stáhnout jako soubor
  1. ///////////////////////////////////
  2. //MS3D.h
  3. #ifndef _MS3D_H_NOU_
  4. #define _MS3D_H_NOU_
  6. #ifndef byte
  7. typedef unsigned char byte;
  8. #endif // byte
  10. #ifndef word
  11. typedef unsigned short word;
  12. #endif // word
  14. #include "Matrix.h"
  15. // force one byte alignment
  16. #include <pshpack1.h>
  18. typedef struct
  19. {
  20. Bod position;
  21. char boneId;
  22. }
  23. ms3d_vertex;
  25. typedef struct
  26. {
  27. word vertexIndices[3];
  28. Vector normal[3];
  29. float s[3];
  30. float t[3];
  31. }
  32. ms3d_triangle;
  34. typedef struct
  35. {
  36. word numtriangles;
  37. word *triangleIndices;
  38. char materialIndex;
  39. }
  40. ms3d_group;
  42. typedef struct
  43. {
  44. float ambient[4];
  45. float diffuse[4];
  46. float specular[4];
  47. float emissive[4];
  48. float shininess;
  49. float transparency;
  50. char texture[128];
  51. char alphamap[128];
  52. unsigned int textura;
  53. }
  54. ms3d_material;
  56. typedef struct
  57. {
  58. float time;
  59. float rotation[3];
  60. }
  61. ms3d_keyframe_rot;
  63. typedef struct
  64. {
  65. float time;
  66. float position[3];
  67. }
  68. ms3d_keyframe_pos;
  70. typedef struct
  71. {
  72. char name[32];
  73. char parentName[32];
  74. float rotation[3];
  75. float position[3];
  77. word numKeyFramesRot;
  78. word numKeyFramesTrans;
  80. ms3d_keyframe_rot *keyFramesRot;
  81. ms3d_keyframe_pos *keyFramesTrans;
  83. int parent;
  84. Matrix relative;
  85. Matrix absolute;
  86. Matrix final;
  87. }
  88. ms3d_joint;
  90. #include <poppack.h>
  92. class MS3D
  93. {
  94. private:
  95. word poc_vertex;
  96. ms3d_vertex *vertex;
  97. word poc_triangle;
  98. ms3d_triangle *triangle;
  99. word poc_group;
  100. ms3d_group *group;
  101. word poc_material;
  102. ms3d_material *material;
  103. word poc_joint;
  104. ms3d_joint *joint;
  105. float cas;
  106. public:
  107. MS3D()
  108. {//konstruktor nastavi vsetko na nulu
  109. poc_vertex=0;
  110. vertex=NULL;
  111. poc_triangle=0;
  112. triangle=NULL;
  113. poc_group=0;
  114. group=NULL;
  115. poc_material=0;
  116. material=NULL;
  117. poc_joint=0;
  118. joint=NULL;
  119. cas=0;
  120. }
  121. ~MS3D()
  122. {
  123. delete vertex; delete triangle;
  124. delete group; delete material;
  125. delete joint;
  126. }
  127. int LoadData(char *path);//nacitavanie dat modelu
  128. int LoadTexture();//nacita textury vhodne pri strate kontextu okna
  129. void Setup();//nastavime zakladnu kotru
  130. void Animate(float time);//animujeme kosti
  131. void Draw(float time);//vykreslime
  132. };
  134. #endif
  136. ///////////////////////////////////
  137. //MS3D.cpp
  138. #include "MS3D.h"
  139. #include <stdio.h>
  140. #include <string.h>
  141. #include "resource.h"
  143. int MS3D::LoadData(char *path)
  144. {
  145. FILE *fr;
  146. fr = fopen(path,"rb");//otvorime subor
  147. if(fr==NULL)
  148. return 0;//ak neotvorilo vratime 0
  150. char hlavicka[11];
  151. int verzia;
  152. fscanf(fr,"%10s",hlavicka);//nacitame hlavicku
  153. fread(&verzia,sizeof(int),1,fr);//aj verziu
  154. if(0!=strcmp(hlavicka,"MS3D000000") || verzia!=4)//ak sa nezhoduju vratime chybu
  155. return 0;
  157. int i,o;
  158. fread(&poc_vertex,sizeof(word),1,fr);//nacitame pocet vertexov modelu
  159. vertex = new ms3d_vertex[poc_vertex];
  160. if(vertex==NULL)//testujeme na chybu pridelovania pamete
  161. {
  162. fprintf(stderr,"Nedostatok pamete na vertexy! %d\n",poc_vertex);
  163. return 0;
  164. }
  165. float poloha[3];//premenna na nacitavanie bodov
  166. for(i=0;i<poc_vertex;i++)//nacitavame vertexy
  167. {
  168. fseek(fr,sizeof(byte),SEEK_CUR);//preskocime pre nas nepotrebny udaj
  169. fread(poloha,sizeof(float),3,fr);//nacitame polohu vertexu
  170. fread(&(vertex+i)->boneId,sizeof(byte),1,fr);
  171. fseek(fr,sizeof(byte),SEEK_CUR);//zase preskok
  172. (vertex+i)->position(poloha);//nastavime polohu vertexu
  173. }
  175. fread(&poc_triangle,sizeof(word),1,fr);//nacitame pocet trojuholnikov
  176. triangle = new ms3d_triangle[poc_triangle];
  177. if(triangle==NULL)
  178. {
  179. fprintf(stderr,"Nedostatok pamete na trojuholniky!");
  180. return 0;
  181. }
  182. float normaly[3][3];
  183. for(i=0;i<poc_triangle;i++)
  184. {
  185. fseek(fr,sizeof(word),SEEK_CUR);//preskocime pre nas nepotrebny udaj
  186. fread((triangle+i)->vertexIndices,sizeof(word),3,fr);//nacitame index vertexov
  187. fread(normaly,sizeof(float),3*3,fr);//nacitame normaly
  188. ((triangle+i)->normal+0)->Set(normaly[0]);
  189. ((triangle+i)->normal+1)->Set(normaly[1]);
  190. ((triangle+i)->normal+2)->Set(normaly[2]);
  191. fread((triangle+i)->s,sizeof(float),3,fr);//nacitame texturove koordinaty
  192. fread((triangle+i)->t,sizeof(float),3,fr);//nacitame texturove koordinaty
  193. fseek(fr,sizeof(byte)*2,SEEK_CUR);//preskocime pre nas nepotrebny udaj
  194. }
  196. fread(&poc_group,sizeof(word),1,fr);//nacitame pocet skupin
  197. group = new ms3d_group[poc_group];
  198. if(group==NULL)
  199. {
  200. fprintf(stderr,"Nedostatok pamete na skupiny!");
  201. return 0;
  202. }
  203. //nacitavanie hodnot skupin
  204. for(i=0;i<poc_group;i++)
  205. {
  206. fseek(fr,sizeof(byte)+sizeof(char)*32,SEEK_CUR);//preskocime flags a meno skupiny
  207. fread(&(group+i)->numtriangles,sizeof(word),1,fr);//nacitame pocet trojuholnikov v skupine
  208. (group+i)->triangleIndices = new word[(group+i)->numtriangles];
  209. if((group+i)->triangleIndices==NULL)
  210. return 0;
  211. fread((group+i)->triangleIndices,sizeof(word),(group+i)->numtriangles,fr);//nacitame indexy
  212. fread(&(group+i)->materialIndex,sizeof(char),1,fr);//nacitanie indexu materialu
  213. }
  215. fread(&poc_material,sizeof(word),1,fr);
  216. material = new ms3d_material[poc_material];
  217. if(material==NULL)return 0;
  218. //nacitame materialy
  219. for(i=0;i<poc_material;i++)
  220. {
  221. fseek(fr,sizeof(char)*32,SEEK_CUR);//preskocenie mena materialu
  222. fread((material+i)->ambient,sizeof(float),4,fr);//nacitanie ambient zlozky
  223. fread((material+i)->diffuse,sizeof(float),4,fr);//nacitanie difuse
  224. fread((material+i)->specular,sizeof(float),4,fr);//nacitame specular
  225. fread((material+i)->emissive,sizeof(float),4,fr);//nacitame emisive
  226. fread(&(material+i)->shininess,sizeof(float),1,fr);//nacitame shiness
  227. fread(&(material+i)->transparency,sizeof(float),1,fr);//nacitame priehladnost
  228. fseek(fr,sizeof(char),SEEK_CUR);//preskakujem mode
  229. fread((material+i)->texture,sizeof(char),128,fr);//nacitame texture name
  230. (material+i)->textura=1;
  231. fseek(fr,sizeof(char)*128,SEEK_CUR);//preskocime alpha mapu pretoze ju budem mat v jednej a zakomettujte tento ak odkomentujete dalsi
  232. //fread((materiali+i)->alphamap,sizeof(char),128,fr); //odkomentujte tento riadok ak chcete nacitavat alphamapu
  233. //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",materiali->texture);
  234. }
  235. //nacitame kosti
  236. float animFPS;
  237. int poc_framov;
  239. fread(&animFPS,sizeof(float),1,fr);//nacitame pocet snimkov za sekundu
  240. fseek(fr,sizeof(float),SEEK_CUR);
  241. fread(&poc_framov,sizeof(int),1,fr);//a celkovy pocet snimkov
  242. cas=poc_framov/animFPS;//celkovy cas animacie
  244. fread(&poc_joint,sizeof(word),1,fr);
  245. joint = new ms3d_joint[poc_joint];
  246. if(joint==NULL)return 0;
  247. //nacitame hodnoty kosti a animacie
  248. for(i=0;i<poc_joint;i++)
  249. {
  250. fseek(fr,sizeof(byte),SEEK_CUR);
  251. fread((joint+i)->name,sizeof(char),32,fr);//nacitame meno klbu
  252. fread((joint+i)->parentName,sizeof(char),32,fr);//nacitame meno rodicovskeho klbu
  253. fread((joint+i)->rotation,sizeof(float),3,fr);//nacitame zakladnu rotaciu
  254. fread((joint+i)->position,sizeof(float),3,fr);//nacitame zakladne posunutie
  256. fread(&(joint+i)->numKeyFramesRot,sizeof(unsigned short),1,fr);//nacitame pocet snimkov rotacie
  257. fread(&(joint+i)->numKeyFramesTrans,sizeof(unsigned short),1,fr);//nacitame pocet snimkov posunutia
  259. (joint+i)->keyFramesRot = new ms3d_keyframe_rot[(joint+i)->numKeyFramesTrans];//alokujeme pamet pre snimky
  260. (joint+i)->keyFramesTrans = new ms3d_keyframe_pos[(joint+i)->numKeyFramesTrans];
  261. fread((joint+i)->keyFramesRot,sizeof(ms3d_keyframe_rot),(joint+i)->numKeyFramesRot,fr);//a nacitame ich
  262. fread((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans,sizeof(ms3d_keyframe_pos),(joint+i)->numKeyFramesTrans,fr);
  264. (joint+i)->parent=-1;//nastavieme rodica na -1
  265. /*dalej otestujeme pomocou strcmp() kosti ci existuje rodic a nstavime index
  266. nanho do premenej parents*/
  267. if((joint+i)->parentName[0]=='\0')
  268. continue;/*ak je meno rodica przdne tak preskocime porovnanavanie*/
  269. for(o=i-1;o>=0;o--)//ideme odzadu pretoze redicovsky klb moze byt hned predosly
  270. {
  271. if(!strcmp((joint+o)->name,(joint+i)->parentName))//porovnavame meno rodica s menami klbov
  272. {
  273. (joint+i)->parent=o;//ak najdeme zhodu priradime cislo
  274. break;//a vyskocime z cyklu
  275. }
  276. }
  277. }
  278. fclose(fr);//zatvorime model
  279. if(!LoadTexture())return 0;
  280. Setup();
  281. return 1;
  282. }
  284. int MS3D::LoadTexture()
  285. {
  286. TextureRes tex;
  287. for(int i=0;i<poc_material;i++)
  288. {//nahrame textury
  289. if((material+i)->texture[0]!='\0')//podmienka proti nacitavaniu nicoho
  290. (material+i)->textura=tex.LoadTex((material+i)->texture);
  291. if((material+i)->textura==NULL)return 0;
  292. }
  293. return 1;
  294. }
  296. void MS3D::Setup()
  297. {
  298. int i,o;
  299. Matrix mat;
  300. for(i=0;i<poc_joint;i++)
  301. {
  302. //vykoname tranformaciu podla zakladnych transformcii
  303. mat.Translate((joint+i)->position[0],(joint+i)->position[1],(joint+i)->position[2]);
  304. mat.Rotate((joint+i)->rotation[0],(joint+i)->rotation[1],(joint+i)->rotation[2]);
  305. (joint+i)->relative=mat;//nakopirujem si relativnu maticu
  306. if((joint+i)->parent!=-1)//ak ma kost rodica tak vynasobime tranformaciu rodica potomkovou
  307. mat=mat*(joint+((joint+i)->parent))->absolute;
  308. (joint+i)->absolute=mat;//a vysledok ulozime
  309. mat.Identity();//vyjednotkujeme maticu
  310. }
  311. for(i=0;i<poc_joint;i++)
  312. {
  313. mat=(joint+i)->absolute;
  314. mat.Inverse();//zinvertizujeme absolutnu maticku kosti
  315. for(o=0;o<poc_vertex;o++)
  316. {
  317. /*a nasledne tranformujeme vsetky body prisluchajuce danej kosti
  318. pomocou danej matice*/
  319. if((vertex+o)->boneId==i)
  320. {
  321. (vertex+o)->position=mat*(vertex+o)->position;
  322. }
  323. }
  324. }
  325. }
  327. void MS3D::Animate(float time)
  328. {
  329. glPushMatrix();
  330. int nasobky = time/cas;
  331. time=time-cas*nasobky;
  332. Matrix transform;
  333. float tran[3],rot[3];
  335. for(int i=0;i<poc_joint;i++)
  336. {
  337. int prev=0,curr=0;//najdeme aktualny snimok
  338. while(((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+curr)->time < time && curr<(joint+i)->numKeyFramesTrans)curr++;
  339. prev=curr;
  340. if(curr>0)prev--;
  341. float inter=(time-((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->time);//zinterpolujeme medzi dvoma snimkami
  342. if(curr!=prev)inter/=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+curr)->time-((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->time;
  343. tran[0]=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+curr)->position[0]-((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->position[0];
  344. tran[1]=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+curr)->position[1]-((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->position[1];
  345. tran[2]=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+curr)->position[2]-((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->position[2];
  346. if(curr==(joint+i)->numKeyFramesTrans)inter=0;//ak sem za poslednou snimkou
  347. tran[0]*=inter; tran[1]*=inter; tran[2]*=inter;//tak nulou vynulujeme
  348. tran[0]+=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->position[0];//a ostane len posledna snimka
  349. tran[1]+=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->position[1];
  350. tran[2]+=((joint+i)->keyFramesTrans+prev)->position[2];
  351. transform.Translate(tran[0],tran[1],tran[2]);//spravime translaciu podla aktualneho snimka
  353. prev=curr=0;//najdeme teraz rotaciu
  354. while(((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+curr)->time < time && curr<(joint+i)->numKeyFramesRot)curr++;
  355. prev=curr;
  356. if(curr>0)prev--;
  357. inter=(time-((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->time);
  358. if(curr!=prev)inter/=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+curr)->time-((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->time;
  359. rot[0]=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+curr)->rotation[0]-((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->rotation[0];
  360. rot[1]=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+curr)->rotation[1]-((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->rotation[1];
  361. rot[2]=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+curr)->rotation[2]-((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->rotation[2];
  362. if(curr==(joint+i)->numKeyFramesRot)inter=0;//ak sem za poslednou snimkou
  363. rot[0]*=inter; rot[1]*=inter; rot[2]*=inter;//tak nulou vynulujeme
  364. rot[0]+=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->rotation[0];//a ostane len posledna snimka
  365. rot[1]+=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->rotation[1];
  366. rot[2]+=((joint+i)->keyFramesRot+prev)->rotation[2];
  367. transform.Rotate(rot[0],rot[1],rot[2]);//orotujeme
  369. (joint+i)->absolute=transform;//ulozime si posunutie oproti zakladu kvoli normalam
  370. transform=transform*(joint+i)->relative;//posuniem relativnu maticu o animaciu
  371. if((joint+i)->parent!=-1)//ak ma rodica tak nasobime finalnou maticou rodica
  372. transform=transform*(joint+((joint+i)->parent))->final;
  373. (joint+i)->final=transform;//ulozime si zanimovanu maticu
  374. transform.Identity();//zjednickujeme si maticu pre dalsie pouzitie
  375. }
  376. }
  378. void MS3D::Draw(float time)
  379. {
  380. Animate(time);
  381. int i,o;
  382. Matrix rela;
  383. for(i=0;i<poc_group;i++)//zacneme kreslit
  384. {
  385. glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
  386. int material_cis = (group+i)->materialIndex;
  387. if((group+i)->materialIndex!=-1)//ak je nastaveny materialovy index tak nastavime material
  388. {
  389. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, (material+material_cis)->ambient); // Nastav ambient material
  390. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, (material+material_cis)->diffuse); // Nastav diffuse material
  391. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, (material+material_cis)->specular); // Nastav specular material
  392. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, (material+material_cis)->emissive); // Nastav emission material
  393. glMaterialf( GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, (material+material_cis)->shininess); // Nastav shininess material
  394. }
  395. else//inak nastavim standartne farby
  396. {
  397. float a[4]={0.1f,0.1f,0.1f,1};
  398. float d[4]={1,1,1,1};
  399. float g[4]={0,0,0,0};
  400. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, a); // Nastav ambient material
  401. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, d); // Nastav diffuse material
  402. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, g); // Nastav specular material
  403. glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, g); // Nastav emission material
  404. glMaterialf( GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 64);
  405. }
  406. if((material+material_cis)->textura!=0)//ak existuje textura zvol ju
  407. {
  408. glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);//povolime texturovanie
  409. glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,(material+material_cis)->textura);// Zvolí texturu
  410. }
  411. else glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);//ak nie je textura nebude texturovanie
  415. int w,p[3],bone[3];
  416. for(o=0;o<(group+i)->numtriangles;o++)
  417. {
  418. w = (group+i)->triangleIndices[o]; //priradime index trojholnika do w a ten nasledne vykreslime
  420. p[0] = (triangle+w)->vertexIndices[0];//nastavime si indexy vrcholov
  421. p[1] = (triangle+w)->vertexIndices[1];
  422. p[2] = (triangle+w)->vertexIndices[2];
  423. bone[0] = (vertex+p[0])->boneId;//a indexy kosti
  424. bone[1] = (vertex+p[1])->boneId;
  425. bone[2] = (vertex+p[2])->boneId;
  427. Bod v1,v2,v3;//transformujeme body podla animacnej kosti
  428. v1=(joint+bone[0])->final*(vertex+p[0])->position;
  429. v2=(joint+bone[1])->final*(vertex+p[1])->position;
  430. v3=(joint+bone[2])->final*(vertex+p[2])->position;
  431. Vector n1,n2,n3;//pretranformujeme normaly na osvetlenie
  432. n1=(joint+bone[0])->absolute**((triangle+w)->normal+0);
  433. n2=(joint+bone[1])->absolute**((triangle+w)->normal+1);
  434. n3=(joint+bone[2])->absolute**((triangle+w)->normal+2);
  436. glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
  437. glNormal3f(n1[0],n1[1],n1[2]);// Normála
  438. glTexCoord2f((triangle+w)->s[0], (triangle+w)->t[0]);
  439. glVertex3f(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2]);
  440. glNormal3f(n2[0],n2[1],n2[2]);// Normála
  441. glTexCoord2f((triangle+w)->s[1], (triangle+w)->t[1]);
  442. glVertex3f(v2[0],v2[1],v2[2]);
  443. glNormal3f(n3[0],n3[1],n3[2]);// Normála
  444. glTexCoord2f((triangle+w)->s[2], (triangle+w)->t[2]);
  445. glVertex3f(v3[0],v3[1],v3[2]);
  446. glEnd();
  447. }
  448. }
  449. }